SmartROOM Smart FaRming InnOvatiOn Training

The SmartROOT project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of higher education that focuses on the preparation of a new Joint Master Degree program in the field of Mixed Farming Systems (MFS).

SmartROOT main objectives include:

 • The preparation of an international master degree program.
 • The active involvement of students in the preparation process.
 • The assessment and feedback on the ICT tools and material to be developed.
 • The preparation of future professionals in the agricultural sector.
 • The introduction and familiarization of farmers to digital technologies.

Through SmartROOT the resilience of agriculture subject to climate change will be improved, while farmers will gain knowledge on methodologies to foster the synergies between agricultural production, climate change mitigation, and adaptation.

Funding: Erasmus+

Duration: 36M 

Progress 100%
