VR Virtual School (VRVS) goals are to use Virtual Reality technology to increase student awareness of natural disaster management in the school environment. In the VRVS, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the VR environment of the school. Students are able to experientially interact with different educational scenarios. VRVS scenarios can address natural …


The expected diversity of services, use cases, and applications in I5.0 requires a flexible, adaptable, and programmable AI architecture that optimizes the edge vs cloud AI to maximize the performance of the overall system. In the face of this challenge, TALON introduces an AI orchestrator that envisions transforming the I5.0 into an automated intelligent platform …


INCIDENCE aims to address those challenges at two levels. On the educational level, by developing and delivering a novel cyber hygiene framework, tailored to the requirements and characteristics of HEI distance learning and teaching, and on the infrastructure level by offering a safe to use eLearning toolkit reflecting on modern eLearning pedagogies and state of …


ELECTRON is EU H2020 SU-DS04-2018-2020 funded research project that aims at delivering a new-generation EPES platform, capable of empowering the resilience of energy systems against cyber, privacy, and data attacks. Coordinator: NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT. Funding: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Duration: 36M  Progress 65% VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE Partners This project has received funding …


The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a strategic partnership and later – a self-sustained professional community in the intersection of Educational Robotics and Augmented reality. All activities related to the production of IOs, all other tangible and intangible results, all events, and other activities will contribute to this goal. The Educational Robotics …


The T4E project, The purpose of the T4E Accelerated Training Program was to cultivate the distance education skills and competencies of all teachers in Greece towards the didactic approaches and methodological tools in educational practice, so to improve the quality conditions at all levels of school education. The program fulfilled its purpose in 6 months …


Training and Knowledge Sharing Platform for First Responders and Educational Tools for students’ and citizens’ awareness and preparedness against Natural and Manmade Disasters and Risks. Funding: Erasmus+ Duration: 18M  Progress 100% VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE Partners

JAUNTY – Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems

JAUNTY focuses on transferring latest research outputs generated from the “Secure and Private Smart Grid (SPEAR)” and “SDN – microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm (SDNmicroSENSE)” projects funded under the H2020 program, back into education at a European level by joining students and instructors from different countries exploiting the capabilities provided by digital technologies. The idea …

SmartROOM Smart FaRming InnOvatiOn Training

The SmartROOT project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of higher education that focuses on the preparation of a new Joint Master Degree program in the field of Mixed Farming Systems (MFS). SmartROOT main objectives include:  • The preparation of an international master degree program. • The active involvement of students in the preparation process. • …