The MSc provides knowledge and skills in cutting-edge technologies: Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Mixed Reality Game Design It is addressed to teachers, researchers and scientists of all specialties and with an interest in the specific Scientific Fields. The teaching language is English and the teaching staff is international. Also, it is available worldwide through distance …
Category: Projects
Advanced Virtual School
The main goal of Advanced Virtual School is the personalized experience for each school by leveraging the actual school space and the Official Evacuation Plan by training and informing students to find the best escape routes in the event of disasters. Additional objectives are: participatory learning & exploration through Mixed Reality, the use of high …
Virtual School (Mixed Version)
Το έργο εμπνεύστηκε από την τραγωδία στο Μάτι Αθηνών (Καταστροφική πυρκαγιά στις 23 Ιουλίου 2018, έχασαν τη ζωή τους 96 άνθρωποι, και μερικοί από αυτούς ήταν παιδιά). Οι στόχοι δράσης του είναι: • Χρήση εμπειριών επαυξημένης και μικτής πραγματικότητας στα σχολεία • Αύξηση της ευαισθητοποίησης των μαθητών σχετικά με τη διαχείριση φυσικώνκαταστροφών • Αξιοποίηση υψηλής …
SHERPA is a two-year Erasmus+ project with a mission to strengthen the adoption and systematic use of SELFIE across Europe. SELFIE is the European Commission’s free, customisable self-evaluation tool helping schools to better understand their progress on digitally-enabled teaching and learning. SHERPA will provide schools with vitally-needed scaffolding for on-boarding SELFIE and will help them gain …
ARTutor 4
ARTutor is an Augmented Reality Educational Platform developed by Advanced Educational Technologies and Mobile Applications (AETMA) Resaerch Lab at the International Hellenic University, since 2016. ARTutor is available free of cost to all the educators and the students arrount the globe, in order to help them to develop technology enchanced educational material and improve the …