Διαδικτυακή Ημερίδα «10 Τεχνολογίες στη Metaverse Εκπαίδευση»

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtbJQ7gNUGM Πρόγραμμα Ημερίδας 18.00 Έναρξη – Χαιρετισμοί Αντιπρόεδροι ΔΠΘ: κ. Σ. Αγγελόπουλος / κα. Κ. Μακρίδου Αντιπρόεδρος Ιδρύματος Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη: κα. Κ. Λασκαρίδη Εκπρόσωποι ΠΣΔ / e-twinning: κ. M. Παρασκευάς κ. Ν. Τζιμόπουλος Εκπρόσωποι ομάδας Εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπ/σης: κ. Μ. Κουσλόγλου, κα. Χ. Λάζου 18.15 -18.35 Παρουσίαση e-twinning “Κτίζοντας τη μεγαλύτερη κοινότητα Εκπαιδευτικών στην Ευρώπη …

TV Interview about Advanced Virtual School 2022

The Scientific team of the AETMA Lab, in collaboration with the Management of the 24th Primary School of Kavala and the Educational staff, completed the implementation of an interactive Evacuation Plan (in case of natural disaster, earthquake, fire or combination of natural disasters) using Augmented Reality technologies & Virtual Reality) in Grades B and E …

ImTech4Ed Multiplier Event: Preparing for the Immersive Education

  Tuesday, 8 March 2022, Time 20.00 – 22.00 Organized by AETMA Lab Department of Informatics Department of the Democritus University of Thrace In the framework of the Erasmus+ ImTech4Ed programme Registration form:  https://forms.gle/nnrNdc3A5btf6WH37 Participation is FREE of charge for all teachers or those who are involved in the interchange of educational activities with new …

VR Educators

The educational world for the development of VR experiences is the latest effort of the AETMA Lab to develop virtual world for the development of VR educational experiences. The environment will initially be freely available for use by postgraduate students of IMT and students of the Informatics Department of DUTH Kavala. After the pilot development …

JAUNTY – Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems

JAUNTY focuses on transferring latest research outputs generated from the “Secure and Private Smart Grid (SPEAR)” and “SDN – microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm (SDNmicroSENSE)” projects funded under the H2020 program, back into education at a European level by joining students and instructors from different countries exploiting the capabilities provided by digital technologies. The idea …

SmartROOM Smart FaRming InnOvatiOn Training

The SmartROOT project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of higher education that focuses on the preparation of a new Joint Master Degree program in the field of Mixed Farming Systems (MFS). SmartROOT main objectives include:  • The preparation of an international master degree program. • The active involvement of students in the preparation process. • …

i-PEAR – Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality Apps

Teaching and learning with peers and augmented reality offers opportunities for memorable, active learning. The project aims to promote P2P pedagogy as an empowering and active form of learning. Additionally, AR provides students with opportunities to create their own content and visualize the products of their collaborations. Combining collaborative approaches and visuals, the educators and …

ImTech4Ed – Immersive Technologies for Education

ImTech4ED is going to establish various school activities in cooperation with the local and national educational community of each partner. Support from the school community is essential for the outcomes of the project. ImTech4ED are going to support the educational community and in particular school leaders and teachers in terms of documentation, training and mentoring …